Pronoun-Verb Agreement
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What Is Pronoun-Verb Agreement

In an earlier lesson, you learned that the subject of a sentence must always agree with its verb.

Agree means the subject and verb match in number.

That's why we say:

The boy is running. ✅


The boy are running. ❎

The same thing is true with pronouns.

      Pronouns are words that replace nouns, like he, she, it, we, I, and you.

Key Point:

      Pronouns should agree in number with their verb.

Key Point:

Take a look:

He/She/It is running.
are running.
are running.
are running.
am running.

Tip: is, are, and am are all forms of the word be. It's irregular. So memorize those 👆.

Now let's learn about pronoun-verb agreement with regular verbs.

Rules for Regular Verbs

1. Add -s to He, She, It

When you use the pronouns he, she, and it, add "s" to the end of the base verb to make it present tense.

A boy is painting.
He paints nice pictures.
A girl is dancing.
She dances very well.
A dog is wagging its tail.
It wags its tail when its happy.

2. When NOT to add -s

When using the pronouns I, you, we, and they, don't add "s" to the base verb.

Take a look:

A girl is eating a piece of cake.
I like cake.
It's not "I likes cake."
A man is swimming.
You swim quickly.
Two kids are reading books together.
We read a lot of books.
A group of students are studying together.
They study every night.

We don't say, "They studies every night."

Great job learning about pronoun and verb agreement. 😺

Now, complete the practice.

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