Imagine these 9 flowers bloom in your garden!
🤔 Which color of flower do you have the most of?
👉 One way to find out is to make a table!
With a table, we can easily see how many of each flower is in your garden.
Tables organize data in rows and columns.
Tables have labels that tell you about what the data is showing.
What labels do you see in the flower table?
That's right: Color and Number.
👉 This table has 2 columns and 4 rows.
Using the table, can you figure out how many green flowers there are?
That's right, there are 4!
You've just learned how to read a table.
Tip: tables are also called spreadsheets.
Now, let's look at how to make a table!
Sam turns over ten cards from a deck. The suits of the cards are:
How can we show the suits of the cards that Sam found?
We make a table!
👉 The first step is to create the table. The labels of our columns are "Suit" and "Number."
👉 Let's count the number of cards for each suit. Then we write the numbers in our table.
That's it!
Congratulations! 🤗 You can now create and read tables!
Start the practice to see if you got it. 👇