Division and Remainders
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What Are Remainders in Division?

Division Terms Review ⚡️

division terms review

Imagine you have 9 cookies. 🍪


You want to divide these cookies equally among 2 people.

Can you do it? 🤔

Cookies divided by 2

No! There is 1 cookie left-over.


9 ÷ 2 = 4 with 1 left-over

      The left-over number, at the end of division, is called the remainder.

Key Point:

So, in the above example, the remainder is 1.

In equation form, we write remainders like this:

9 ÷ 2 = 4 R 1

Finding the Remainder

Can you find the remainder for this problem? 👇

14 ÷ 4 = ?

You know that 12 ÷ 4 = 3. 

And you know that 16 ÷ 4 = 4

So what's 14 ÷ 4 ?

Example 1

There's a remainder of 2!


14 ÷ 4 = 3 R 2

Great work! 😃

Another Example

23 ÷ 5 = ?

Let's solve this problem using repeated subtraction.

Example 2

Our remainder is 3.

23 ÷ 5 = 4 R 3

Nice job! 👏

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