Words With Long Vowel Patterns 1
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Words With Long Vowel Patterns

      A long vowel is a vowel that is pronounced the same as its name. 

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For example, the word ear starts with a long e sound. 👍

Let's look at some ways to make long vowel sounds.

Silent 'e' can make the previous vowel long

Does the word tap have a short or long a? 🤔

That's right! tap has a short a.

If you add an 'e' to the end of tap, you get tape. Now the 'A' in tape makes a long A sound.

      The silent 'e' sometimes makes a previous vowel long.

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Vowel combinations can make long vowel sounds

Here are a few vowel combinations that make long vowel sounds.

      'ee' makes a long e sound.

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      'ie' at the end of a word makes a long i. 

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      'ie' not at the end of a word makes a long e.

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Are you unsure if it's spelled "brief" or "breif"? 🤔

Here's a great trick to remember:

      Usually we write I before E except after C!

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So brief has i before e.

The word receive has e before i, because they come after c.

Now let's look at some more long vowel combinations.

     'ou' and 'ow' make a long o.

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Great job learning about long vowel sounds. 😺

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