Adding 3 or More Decimals
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How to Add 3 or More Decimals

      Adding 3 or more decimals is just like adding 3 or more whole numbers. We use column form.

Key Point:

Just be careful to line up the decimal points.

Let's add these numbers:

34.5 + 11.2 + 48.5 = ?

First, write them in column, or vertical, form like this:

34.5 + 11.2 + 48.5 = ?

Let's start solving by adding the smallest digits, the Tenths.

34.5 + 11.2 + 48.5

We have to carry over into the Ones.

Next, we add the remaining columns one by one, including any carry overs.

34.5 + 11.2 + 48.5 = 94.2

Finally, we bring down the decimal point, between the Ones and Tenths places.

Our answer is 94.2. 🎉

Adding Decimals and Whole Numbers

Let's try to solve a more challenging problem:

24.6 + 42.105 + 118.3 + 0.25 + 37 = ?

We can use column form again.

Just line up the decimal points, like this:

24.6 + 42.105 + 118.3 + 0.25 + 37

Tip: It usually helps to add placeholder zeros in places with no digits.

The last number is a whole number, so we add a decimal point after it and add 3 zeros.

24.6 + 42.105 + 118.3 + 0.25 + 37

Now, let's add one place at a time, starting with the rightmost (👉) place, the Thousandths place.

24.6 + 42.105 + 118.3 + 0.25 + 37

Next, we add the Hundredths place.

24.6 + 42.105 + 118.3 + 0.25 + 37

Then we add the digits in the Tenths place.

24.6 + 42.105 + 118.3 + 0.25 + 37

We move on to adding the Ones place.

24.6 + 42.105 + 118.3 + 0.25 + 37

Note that we carried 2 over to the top of 2 in the Tens place.

After that, we add the Tens place. Don't forget to add the 2 that we carried over from the Ones place.

24.6 + 42.105 + 118.3 + 0.25 + 37

Lastly, we add the Hundreds place.

24.6 + 42.105 + 118.3 + 0.25 + 37

Make sure to write the decimal point in the correct position.

24.6 + 42.105 + 118.3 + 0.25 + 37

We found our answer, 222.255.

Nice work. 👏

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