Multiplying Decimals
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How to Multiply Decimals

Decimals Review

      Decimals are numbers with a decimal point like 1.5.

Key Point:

      Whole numbers are positive numbers like 1, 2, and 3. They don't have fractional, or decimal, parts.

Key Point:

Multiplying decimals is pretty much like multiplying whole numbers.

You just have to take care of the decimal point at the end.

Let's learn how with some examples.

Multiplying Decimals

7.3 × 5 = ?

First, write these factors in column form:

7.3 x 5 in column form

Tip: Factors are the numbers that you multiply together to make a product.

Start by multiplying 5 by 3.

7.3 x 5

The answer is 15. We write 5 as the first number and carry 1 over on top of 7.

7.3 x 5

Next, we multiply 5 by 7.

7.3 x 5

5 multiplied by 7 is 35. 

Then, we add the 1 that we carried over. This makes it 36.

Finally, we have to figure out the where to put the decimal point.

We have 1 digit to the right of a decimal point in our factors.

7.3 x 5 = 36.5 we shift the decimal left 1 digit in the product.

Here's our final answer:

5 × 7.3 = 36.5

Thinking About Multiplying Decimals

Tip: 7.3 is the same as 73 / 10.

      When you divide a number by 10, you shift its decimal point one place to the left.

Key Point:

We can actually rewrite our problem above as:

5 × 7.3 = 5 × 73 / 10

That's why multiplying decimals is just like multiplying whole numbers (5 × 73) and shifting the decimal point over at the end (365 ÷ 10).

Example 2

28.2 × 4.6 = ?

First, write the factors in column form.

28.2 x 4.6

Then we multiply each digit of the bottom factor with each digit of the top factor, starting with 6 by 2.

28.2 x 4.6

That gives us 12. We write 2 at the bottom, and carry over 1 on top of 8. 

Next, we multiply 6 by 8.

28.2 x 4.6

The product is 48, then we add the 1 which we carried over. This gives us 49.

We write 9 at the bottom, and carry 4 over at the top of 2.

The next digits to multiply are 6 and 2.

28.2 x 4.6

We get 12, and add 4. That makes 16. 

We write 16 at the bottom, beside 9 and 2.

The next thing to do is to multiply 4 with the digits of the number at the top.

We start with 4 x 2.

28.2 x 4.6

But before we solve that, first write zero under the 2!

28.2 x 4.6

Why add the 0? 🤔

Because the 4 in our bottom factor is one place higher than the 6 next to it, its product should also be one place value higher.

So then we write the result of 4 x 2 next to the 0.

28.2 x 4.6

Next, we multiply 4 x 8.

That gives us 32.

28.2 x 4.6

We write 2 under 6. Then we carry 3 over on top of 2.

Now, the final digits to multiply are 4 and 2.

4 × 2 is 8. Then we add the 3 that we carried over from the previous digits. That gives us 11.

We write 11 beside 2.

28.2 x 4.6

The second to last step is to add the numbers:

28.2 x 4.6

The last step is to write the decimal point. 

There are two digits to the right of decimal points in our factors.

28.2 x 4.6 = 129.72

So we shift the decimal point two digits left in our final answer.

28.2 × 4.6 = 129.72


Ok, you're almost done. Let's just look at one more example together.

Final Example

18.27 × 2.31 = ?

Let's write these numbers in column form.

18.27 x 2.31

We start by multiplying the top factor with each digit of the bottom factor, starting with the smallest, 1.

So, multiply 1 × 7.

18.27 x 2.31

Next, multiply 1 × 2.

18.27 x 2.31

Now, we multiply 1 × 8.

18.27 x 2.31

After that, we multiply 1 × 1.

18.27 x 2.31

Now we move on to the next digit in the bottom factor, 3.

We add a 0 to the answer area on a new line for this digit.

18.27 x 2.31

Then we, multiply 3 × 7.

18.27 x 2.31

The answer is 21. So we write 1 at the bottom. Then we carry 7 over on top of 2.

Notice that we wrote a 0 under 7 first, then wrote 1 next to it.

Second, we multiply 3 × 2 and add the carried over part.

18.27 x 2.31

Third, we multiply 8 by 3.

8 × 3 is 24.

We write 4 under 1, and carry over 2 to the top of 1.

18.27 x 2.31

Lastly, we multiply 3 by 1.

3 × 1 is 1, and we add the 1 that we carried over.

That gives us 5.

18.27 x 2.31

We write 5 beside 4. Notice that there is no number above it.

So you don't get confused when you add later, you can write a zero above 5.

18.27 x 2.31

Now we get to the last digit in 2.31. This is 2.

Since this is now the third digit in our bottom factor, we add two zeroes to the product area for the digit!

18.27 x 2.31

Let's multiply 2 by 7.

The product of 2 × 7 is 14. We write 4 at the bottom after the zeros and carry over 1 at the top of 2.

18.27 x 2.31

The next numbers to multiply are 2 and 2.

The answer is 4, but we need to add the 1 that we carried over. That makes it 5.

18.27 x 2.31

The next digit to multiply with 2 is 8.

2 × 8 is 16. We write 6 in the product area, and carry over 1.

18.27 x 2.31

The last multiplication we need to do is 2 × 1.

The product we get is 2. Then we add the 1 that we carried over. That makes 3.

18.27 x 2.31

Write 3 beside 6. There are no numbers above it. To help, you can write zeros above it.

18.27 x 2.31

Now, let's add everything.

18.27 x 2.31

Where do we write our decimal point? 🤔

We count how many digits are to the right of decimals in our factors.

18.27 x 2.31

There are 4.

So our final answer should also have 4 digits to the right of its decimal point.

18.27 x 2.31 = 42.2037

Now we have our final product.

18.27 × 2.31 = 42.2037 ✅

Great job learning how to multiply decimals. 👏

Now, complete the practice.

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