📅 There are 7 days in a week:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are called weekdays. Most people go to school or work on weekdays.
Saturday and Sunday are called the weekend. It's when people rest.
Most people go back to school or work on Monday.
Many people love Friday because it's the last day of school or work. 🏄
Every day is beautiful! Be happy to be alive every day. 🤗
Remember to always capitalize the days of the week. They're proper nouns.
👉 So write Saturday, not saturday.
Tuesday comes after Monday.
Wednesday comes after Tuesday.
Wednesday is called the middle of the weekday.
Thursday comes after Wednesday.
Friday comes after Thursday! Do you have homework to do? Hopefully not. 🤪
Saturday comes after Friday. It's the weekend!
Sunday comes after Saturday. It's the last day of the weekend.
Monday comes after Sunday! Most people go back to school or work.
Great job learning about the days of the week. 😺
Now, complete the practice to help you memorize them.