There are four seasons in every year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
Tip: A year is the time between your birthdays.
There are 365 days in a year.
Each season has a different temperature.
You can do different activities in each season.
During summer, you can:
Eat ice cream, go swimming, have a cold shower
After summer comes autumn, or fall. Both words mean the same thing!
During autumn, you can:
Collect leaves, wear light jackets, eat pumpkin pie
Leaves fall during autumn. You can use the word cool to describe autumn.
After autumn comes winter.
During winter, you can:
⛄Build a snowman, Drink hot chocolate, Go ice skating
Winter is as cold as it gets.
Christmas happens in the winter. 🎄
After winter, it warms up again. Ice and snow melt away.
Flowers blossom in the spring.
Sometimes spring can be rainy 🌨.
During spring, you can:
Have a picnic, Plant a tree
You can use the word warm to describe spring.
What's your favorite thing to do each season?
Each season lasts 3 months.
Spring comes before summer.
Summer comes before autumn.
Autumn comes before winter.
Winter comes before spring.
Don't capitalize the seasons spring, summer, autumn, or winter, unless they're at the start of a sentence.
Tip: The seasons are common nouns, not proper nouns.
Great job learning about the seasons.
Now, complete the practice to help you remember.