Balance Addition and Subtraction Equations up to 20
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How to Balance Addition and Subtraction Equations up to 20

Look at these two equations. 👇

14 - 3 = 11
6 + 5 = 11

What do they have in common? 🤔

Very good! 😃 They both equal 11.

      When two expressions (addition or subtraction) have the same value, we can write them on either side of an equal sign.

Key Point:

Each expression will be half of a larger equation:

two expressions with the same value

The equals sign (=) tells us that both sides of the equation have the same value. ✅

      When both sides of the equal sign have the same value, we say the equation is balanced!

Key Point:

Is the following equation balanced?

13 + 4 = 20 - 3

👉 To see, let's simplify both sides of the equation separately.

13 + 4 = 17


20 - 3 = 17

Both sides of the equation have a value of 17.

So yes, the equation is balanced!__

Balancing Addition and Subtraction Equations

What about this equation: 

16 - 7 = ? + 1

How do we find the missing number that will keep it balanced? 🤔

      To find the missing number in an equation, first simplify the side that is complete. It's the side without any missing numbers.

Key Point:

Let's try it out! 🤗

16 - 7 = ?

😎 Let's simplify this subtraction operation down to a value.

16 - 7 = 9

Good job!

Now, we can write an easier equation to solve:

9 = ? + 1

Think about the whole-part model in your head to find the missing number. 🤗

What is missing, the part or the whole?

👍 This addition equation tells us that 9 has been split into 2 parts. One part is missing!

9 stars

The missing part is 8.

8 + 1 = 9

Let's put 8 in our original equation:

16 - 7 = 8 + 1

Great job! You balanced the equation. 🎉

👉 Let's try another example.

Example 1

? - 4 = 3 + 3

How will you start? 🤔

✅ First, simplify the complete side.

3 + 3 = 6

Now, rewrite the simplified equation.

? - 4 = 6

What's the next step? 🤔 

That's right, we think about the whole-part model.

This subtraction equation tells us that 4 has been taken away from a bigger number to get 6.

4 stars and 6 stars

So we're missing the whole. We add the two parts, 4 and 6.

The missing number is 10.

10 - 4 = 6

Let's put it back in our original equation: 

10 - 4 = 3 + 3

Let's try one last example!

Example 2

13 + 2 = 19 - ?

First, simplify the side you can!

13 + 2 = 15

Now, use this answer to find the missing number.

15 = 19 - ?

      This subtraction equation tells us that a part of 19 has been taken away to get 15.

Key Point:

19 stars

What is the missing number? 🤓

You got it! 🤗 The missing number is 4.

19 - 4 = 15

Let's put 4 in our original equation:

13 + 2 = 19 - 4

Great job! 🎉 You balanced the equation.

Now, ace the practice. 😃

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