
Browse Community Lessons

Self-paced, read-assisted, adaptive, mobile-first, self-grading lessons

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What Is Multiplication?Class Ace3916
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Subtraction BasicsClass Ace3350
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What Is Addition?Class Ace3121
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Writing Two-Digit Numbers in WordsClass Ace2565
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Number LinesClass Ace1420
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Adding One-Digit to Two-Digit NumbersClass Ace1323
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Adding Three NumbersClass Ace745
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Counting to 100Class Ace735
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Adding 10Class Ace433
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Quiz Automated Test please deleteGuest3

Create Your Own Lessons

What kinds of lessons can you make?

You can use Lesson Builder to both teach new things and check for understanding.

Lessons are read-assisted, self-grading, adaptive, and mobile-first!

Each lessons has two parts: an article and a set of questions.

You can use the article to make your own read-along articles with images and videos using a powerful html editor.

Then you can quickly create adaptive checks for understanding with your own adaptive practice.

You can use Lesson Builder to teach or test just about any Common Core standard, as well as to teach bold new subjects.

Send us your feedback: support@classace.io