Get the text from any PDF. The tool will use OCR if the PDF contains scans or images of text.
or drag 'n' drop an pdf here
Tip: Try different models to see what works best for your PDF.
Tip: if your pdf has complex layouts with multiple columns, try screenshoting one column at a time, and use the extract-text-from-image tool.
Run PDF to Text tasks programmatically using the code in the API panel to the right.
Easily integrate a PDF to Text tool into your own app or workflow. Fill out the AI task editor above to see the code to run that task below.
To report a bug, request a feature, or ask us a question, please email us at
Easily integrate a PDF to Text tool into your own app or workflow. Fill out the AI task editor on the left to see the code to run that task below.
To report a bug, request a feature, or ask us a question, please email us at